Every outfit needs an accessory that will complete the entire look. It can range from jewelry, belts, hair pins, but a woman can never leave the house without her bag. Our bags can get heavy and sometimes you just want to carry very few items with you. Clutches were created to do just that. A great way to compact the key items you need, more convenient and ofcourse always a chic factor. A recent trend we see of late are monogram clutches. They are very efficient and to add a little extra glam to it, you can add your initials.
I was able to gather a few monogram clutches from etsy for you all to pick and chose from. I already have mine in mind. Therefore, if yours comes in the mail before mine, please take a picture of how you styled it and we will do a post on how to style your monogram clutch referencing Look Kente readers. In addition to that, I also included below, how some fashionistas styled their monogram clutch. Enjoy!
Poppy Pine Etsy shop- $18.99
BagsbyLaura Etsy shop- $19.99
ClassyclutchonEtsy shop- $19.95
Stay Chic, Look Kente
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